
Site5 (finally) abandoning Europe

This article is a continuation – well, hopefully the ending chapter – of my 10-year-long relationship with Site5.

I first migrated to Site5 in 2013. To my misfortune, already in 2015, EIG acquired the company and started tearing their service down. I posted about my experiences here:

With uptime of 80% and constant “server updates”, I decided to jump ship. I was able to cancel my service in 2016 and told Site5 to close my account.

Ever since, I’ve still gotten an email or two per year from them. Every time I’ve responded by telling them to close my account. Every time they’ve confirmed they have now closed my account. And every time I keep getting more email from them.

Now, in 2023 they finally sent me an email telling me they’re moving all of my data to Provo, Utah. I guess they still held on to their old Amsterdam data center up until now, and only now are finally abandoning Europe altogether.

It’s not like I’ve cared much – I haven’t received an invoice from them since 2016, and even the last one I successfully disputed and ended up not paying – but it does bug me a little that they’re woefully unable to remove my data or stop sending me emails about my account that they’ve supposedly now closed or cancelled already 8 times.

But now, after responding to their latest email claiming they’ve closed my account, I got this response:

This is really promising. I hope they actually deleted my account this time. Not holding my breath, though.

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By koskila

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